How a Painting is Born — The Curious and Contagious Nature of Inspiration

Karen Espig
5 min readAug 23, 2021

Cadenza - Chroma and Timbre — Inspired by a composer, inspired by a painting, inspired by a musician practicing on a beautiful September afternoon.

“Cadenza — Chroma and Timbre”, oil on canvas, 24 x 36 x 1.5 inches, Karen Espig, 2021

I have a full-time day job, but that is not what I define as my work. I am an artist. Painting is not a hobby or something I do in my spare time; it is my chosen work. It does not yet pay the bills, but it gives me joy and purpose.

I would like to guide you through the evolution of my newest work, Cadenza – Chroma and Timbre.

This particular work arose from a mutual inspiration. The subject, Margin Alexander (a New York-based composer), had discovered an image of mine on Instagram and contacted me to ask if he could highlight it during a performance of his. I immediately gave permission, as I appreciate new creative opportunities, and admired his novel approach to creating a performance piece during the pandemic, when live performances were not possible. The painting that had inspired him was Autumn Sessions.



Karen Espig

I am a contemporary figure painter. I am also a Canadian Expat currently in France. I write about expat life, relationships, and online dating.